Final Exam Topics
The exam is open book and open notes and you are free
to use a calculator or computer except for accessing the Internet.
The exam is not cumulative -- it only covers the material since the midterm with the addition of C++ (i.e. all of the programming languages, C++, C#, Scheme, Prolog, PHP).
Be prepared to write snippets of code, give the output
of a snippet of code, find bugs in code, write a solution in multiple languages,
analyze the major differences between different programming languages including
the strengths and weaknesses of one approach to another.
General Programming Languages
- Programming paradigms
- Differences between Procedural, Object-Oriented, Functional, Logic,
- Concept of the virtual machine
- Garbage collection, what it is, where it would be needed
- Syntax for iteration, control structures, defining
variables, methods, classes, etc.
- Passing parameters by reference vs. pass by value
- Relationship between arrays and pointers
- Use of const
- Dynamic memory allocation using new, delete, creating
linked data structures
- Performing our own memory management
If someone asks you, should be able to tell someone what it is
Relationship between OS, CLR, Base Classes, Programming Languages
How the architecture supports goals of robustness,
multiple programming languages, multiple platforms
What is really happening when you compile and run a C# or .NET program
Syntax for iteration, control structures, defining variables, methods, classes, etc.
Similarities with Java
Passing parameters by reference vs. pass by value
Concept of automatic boxing and unboxing
Defining classes
Concept of a delegate, so we can pass in a function as an argument
Atoms vs. lists
Syntax for invoking functions, defining functions,
let, cond, equal, car, cdr, cons, quote, '
Common functions like length, reverse, etc.
Eval, apply
Passing, returning functions as values
Be prepared to write some recursive function to
process lists in some way
Understand basic predicate calculus and propositional logic
Representing facts and rules, using AND (,) and OR (;)
Binding values to variables
Writing queries
- Working with lists, head and tail
- How prolog handles backtracking
- Define some knowledge, rules to search it, and queries
using the rules
- Basic HTML, including FORM tag, fields for hidden,
text, textarea, submit
- Model of computation; what happens when a HTML page
invokes a CGI program, where the program is run and how data is returned to
the browser
- Difference between GET and POST
- Weakly typed, how PHP performs implicit type
- Syntax for iteration, control structures, defining
variables, methods, classes, concatenation, etc.
- Classes
- Defining instance variables
- Using this
- Everything public
- Passing parameters by reference vs. pass by value
- Default behavior when passing objects
- Related: what happens when one object is
assigned to another
- Different behavior with PHP 4 vs. PHP 5
- What happens with $$var or $var()
- How to pass parameters between a web page and PHP
- Arrays
- Append to end with $a[]=val;
- Index by string or by integer
- Common functions such as count
- Using foreach on an array
- Common functions such as print_r, explode, implode,
trim, substr, etc.
- Generating HTML
from PHP
- Database access in PHP (be able to read some code that might deal
with a DB)
- You may be asked how JavaScript code would work or to write a few lines of JavaScript or given more JavaScript and asked to modify it, but not to write large amouns from scratch
- Adding to a HTML file
- Basics on vars, operators, control statements
- Weak typing
- Scoping - global and function scope; static; no block scope
- Using arrays
- Creating objects
- Using the prototype property
- Defining custom objects and inheritance
- Accessing/modifying elements on a HTML page
- JavaScript event handlers
- AJAX and the XHR object