UAA CSCE A248: Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

Course Syllabus, Spring 2025 Textbook

Course Description:  Covers organization and operation of a computer's processor, including registers, memory, input/output (I/O) and control. Assembly language programming with emphasis placed on hardware/software interface and computer design.

Modality:  You can attend class remotely via zoom (link on the Blackboard page) or attend in person. However, exams must be taken in person. The exam dates are on the calendar page. I will also record lectures and post them online. Note that the course is set up for synchronous remote attendance.

Instructor Goals:  The instructor will:

Student Outcomes: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

Homework Assignments:    Due by the beginning of class unless otherwise noted.  There will be approximately four to five homework assignments Late homework will be penalized by 10% per day late, up to the day that answers are provided. We will typically go over answers the next week (but not always). Unless otherwise indicated, programs and assignments must represent your own work. It is permissible to discuss the assignments with other students, but do not disclose the solution. Similarly, you can get help from LLMs but should not use LLMs to do the homework for you (more under student code of conduct).

Important note: To access on-campus servers from outside of the campus network, you need to be on UAA's VPN (Virtual Private Network). In this context, the VPN uses your login credentials to make an encrypted tunnel between your computer and UAA's network, and accessing the Internet while on the VPN will appear as a UAA IP address. You can download the VPN client here: In addition, you will need to authenticate with multifactor authentication. UAA uses Duo. Instructions on setting up MFA with Duo are here:

Questions: If you have any questions, feel free to come in to my office.  In general, I have an open door policy -- if I am available in my office, you are welcome to come by.  An even better way to reach me is through email.  I check my email frequently and you should receive a response quickly.  Email is preferred over telephone and you will probably receive a faster response since I don't check voicemail very frequently.  You can also contact me online via the CS&E discord server. I'm often up late and will be glad to answer questions if I'm available! 

Tutors:There are normally CS&E tutors available. Look for an announcement from the department and on the CS&E discord server.

Exams: Including the final, there will be three exams.  The midterm will cover several chapters of the books while the final exam may include any material that was covered in the course, but will emphasize the new material. Unless prior arrangements are made no make-up exams will be given. Since you will be tested upon your critical thinking and problem solving skills and not your ability to memorize formula, you may use one sheet of notes (both sides) for each exam. Otherwise, the exams will be closed book and closed to electronic devices (computers, tablets, phones, etc.).


Grading breakdown:

Homeworks:  34%   (all homeworks are worth an equal amount)
Exam 1:         20%
Exam 2:         20%
Final:             26%

The grade scale is shown in the table below.  The grading curve may be lowered if necessary but it will not be raised.  This means that if you received an 89% then you will at least get a B+, but may receive a higher grade based on the curve.  (Final grades don't include a + or -).

    Percentage Grade Percentage Grade
    98-100 A+ 80-78 C+
    93-98 A 78-73 C
    90-93 A- 73-70 C-
    87-89 B+ 70-68 D+
    83-87 B 68-60 D
    83-80 B- 60-0 F

An incomplete grade will only be given for a valid excuse (e.g. medical, death in the family). An incomplete grade does not let you take the class over again, your final grade will be assigned based on work submitted in class and work that remains to be submitted.

Student Code of Conduct:

The UAA Student Code of Conduct prohibits plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, aiding academic dishonesty.  A key element of this code is that students will not plagiarize which means you may not use someone else's words, pictures, ideas, or solutions as your own.  For programming assignments, basic concepts such as syntax, manipulating a data type, assembly mnemonic, or built-in functions can be looked up and used without attribution.  Any ideas or solutions that you find online or elsewhere must be cited by including the full url or other reference in a comment of your assignment.

You can privately show a buggy program to a helper, but a helper should never show you any of their code. I am required to report all suspected cases of cheating and plagiarism to the Dean of Students, after which academic sanctions and/or disciplinary sanctions may be levied: Students found to have plagiarized will receive a score of 0 for the item in question in addition to sanctions imposed by the Dean of Students. A second offense will result in an F for the course and possibly additional consequences by the Dean of Students. Please, make my life and yours easier: don't be a cheater!

A common instance of cheating is when student 1 asks student 2 for help, and student 2, either voluntarily, involuntarily, or perhaps under pressure, shows student 1 their code solution to a problem. Student 1 simply copies the work and turns it in as their own, often without understanding how the code works. If Student 1's cheating is discovered then now both students have violated the academic integrity policy.

Other examples of cheating:

  • Writing code in a group and each member of the group turns in identical code. Unless this type of group work is specifically allowed, each individual should be writing their own code. Note that there will be situations where everyone is likely to write similar code, especially for simple programs, but this is the exception not the norm.
  • Finding a solution online or written by another person and submitting it as your own.
  • Using generative AI, such as chatGPT, to write a solution for you and submitting it as your own.
  • Finding a solution, modifying it to hide the source, e.g. changing comments, variable names, whitespace, and submitting it as your own.
If you feel that talking to someone about an assignment may lead to a similar solution being flagged as a potential violation then ask me first. You should document the consultation in the header comment of your program.

Some examples of not cheating:

  • Writing code in a group and each member turns in identical code -- if this is allowed
  • Consulting with a tutor or course staff
  • Getting or giving help about using the computer or software
  • Getting or giving help about syntax errors
  • Discussing assignments without writing specific code to solve the assignment
  • Discussing course material outside any specific assignment
  • Using the web or generative AI to help you learn or look up related material
  • Getting or giving help about a bug -- provided the bug fix does not involve writing a solution to the problem

 The Code of Conduct also prohibits physical, verbal, or sexual harassment and requires students and faculty to maintain a supportive learning environment without disruptions. Cases of plagiarism and other violations of the UAA Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated.

Student Equity and Compliance:

The Office of Equity and Compliance ensures that UAA adheres to a safe, equitable, and healthy environment. If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please contact Disability Support Services in RH 112 (phone 907-786-4530) in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed. Depending on your needs this may include additional time or alternative testing accommodations. You can make anonymous reports regarding discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, stalking, or retaliation. For emergencies, contact UPD at 8-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone.

Care Team Support for Students:

If you, or someone you know, needs support, is distressed, or exhibits concerning behavior, help by making a referral to the Care Team. The UAA CareTeam's purpose is to promote a safe and productive learning, living and working environment by addressing the needs of students. As your Faculty, I may contact the Care Team to seek support for you.  I encourage you to fill out a referral if you or a classmate may be in need of help.

Contact info for the Care Team to submit a Care Report (referral) online: if an emergency-- call UPD or 911.

The University also has resources for any student facing adequate food or safe housing. If you experience such challenges, please connect with the UAA Emergency Food Cache via the Student Health and Counseling Center in Rasmuson 120 or by phone at 907-786-4040. For other types of situations, additional resources are available at the Dean of Students Office in Rasmuson 122, 907-786-1214, and via the UAA Seawolf Food Pantry in PSB 212.

Academic Rights of Students:  The Academic Dispute Resolution Procedure is in the UAA Catalog here:

Title IX: Members of UAA and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of gender and sex-based misconduct including sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. UAA expects all members of the community to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. Gender-based and sexual misconduct has a negative impact on members of our community. Therefore, UAA has a zero tolerance policy for gender-based and sexual misconduct. If you have experienced gender-based and/or sexual misconduct, the following individuals can assist you in exploring options and support:

Title IX Coordinator, (907)786-1424

Student Health and Counseling, (907)786-4040,

UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual:

Land Acknowledgement: UAA recognizes and values the diversity of our unique location on the ancestral homelands of the Dena’ina, Ahtna, Alutiiq/Sugpiaq, and Eyak/dAXunhyuu peoples.