Emergence in Chemical Systems 4.0
International Conference, June 22-27, 2015, University of Alaska Anchorage
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Complex structures and behaviors spontaneously occur in a variety of simple, table-top chemical experiments. The study of these systems has surged in recent years for a variety of reasons. For example, such chemical systems are excellent laboratories for studying how "more is different." Also, many of these systems have patterns or growth processes that resemble living matter and so may be useful for understanding these more complicated systems. Finally, mastering the growth and control of these systems may lead to new technologies. This international conference seeks to bring together theorists and experimentalists on topics related to:
Self-Construction of Complex Chemical Structures and Systems
Systems Chemistry
Growth Theory
Hydrodynamics and the Formation of Precipitation Structures
Chemical Networks
Chemical Gardens
Origin of Life
If you are interested in presenting a 15 minute talk contact Dr. Jerzy Maselko, jmaselko2@uaa.alaska.edu. If you are interested in presenting a poster contact Dezso Horvath, horvathd@chem.u-szeged.hu.
Jerzy Maselko
Jim Pantaleone
Kenrick Mock
Martin Cenek
Debora Summers
John Dede
Stephanie Ahern
Tina Veldkamp
Website: http://www.cse.uaa.alaska.edu/chemicalemergence4
Past Conference, Emergence in Complex Systems 3.0
For information contact Dr. Jerzy Maselko, jmaselko2@uaa.alaska.edu, Dr. Jim Pantaleone, jtpantaleone@uaa.alaska.edu, or Dr. Martin Cenek, mcenek@uaa.alaska.edu